[OpenAFS] multiple network cards?

Enesha Fairluck enesha@sunflower.org
Mon, 10 Dec 2001 11:19:24 -0500


    I was wondering if it is possible, and if so what would need to be done,
to let AFS work on a machine with multiple cards.  What we have is
this.....We have the "public" interface which the world can ping to (does
have a firewall on it, but it is exposing everything right now) and we have
a second card which connects multiple of our servers on their own 100m line
for just the AFS and NFS and this network is not world reachable.  Is it
possible to have the server be reached by the internal only machine, as well
as an afs client trying to get at it from the public side?  Thanks:)
