[OpenAFS] Duplicate entries in VLDB

Cees de Groot cg@cdegroot.com
16 Dec 2001 23:06:54 +0100

I was making replication copies of volumes, when I accidentally added a site
that already existed. I've been fooling around with syncvldb et al., resulting
in fun like:

    RWrite: 536870915     ROnly: 536870916     Backup: 536870917
    number of sites -> 5
	server lnx-2-be1.ams-2.theinternetone.net partition /vicepa RW Site
	server lnx-2-be1.ams-2.theinternetone.net partition /vicepa RO Site
	server lnx-12-be1.ams-2.theinternetone.net partition /vicepa RO Site
	server lnx-2-be1.ams-2.theinternetone.net partition /vicepa RO Site
	server lnx-12-be1.ams-2.theinternetone.net partition /vicepa RO Site

I've been trying to remove these volumes from the vldb with delentry and
re-read the (I think correct) situation with syncvldb, which seems to work
fine as long as I do a single-volume syncvldb, but when I do a partition-wide
syncvldb I get these duplicate sites back. What is going wrong here and how
is it best repaired?

Cees de Groot               http://www.cdegroot.com     <cg@cdegroot.com>
GnuPG 1024D/E0989E8B 0016 F679 F38D 5946 4ECD  1986 F303 937F E098 9E8B