[OpenAFS] Duplicate entries in VLDB

Cees de Groot cg@cdegroot.com
17 Dec 2001 02:59:56 +0100

Cees de Groot <cg@cdegroot.com> said:
>	server lnx-2-be1.ams-2.theinternetone.net partition /vicepa RW Site
>	server lnx-2-be1.ams-2.theinternetone.net partition /vicepa RO Site
>	server lnx-12-be1.ams-2.theinternetone.net partition /vicepa RO Site
>	server lnx-2-be1.ams-2.theinternetone.net partition /vicepa RO Site
>	server lnx-12-be1.ams-2.theinternetone.net partition /vicepa RO Site
A bit further down the road...

It seems that this has to do with the fact that the servers are multihomed
(well, not actually multihomed, but history has it that they're setup with a
dummy address as well as an eth0 address in order to give all the machines -
multihomed or not - a single unique address independent of NIC cards). Could
that have something to do with it?

Cees de Groot               http://www.cdegroot.com     <cg@cdegroot.com>
GnuPG 1024D/E0989E8B 0016 F679 F38D 5946 4ECD  1986 F303 937F E098 9E8B