[OpenAFS] still trouble with afs-rootvol

Silke Mueller silke@zhadum.de
Mon, 2 Jul 2001 17:57:56 +0200

On Sun, Jul 01, 2001 at 06:07:24PM -0400, Sam Hartman wrote:
> >>>>> "Silke" == Silke Mueller <silke@upb.de> writes:
>     Silke> Any ideas?
> You are not in system:administrators and susers.

I wish it would be that simple:
wsc16:/src# bos listusers -server wsc16
bos: no such entry (getting tickets)
bos: running unauthenticated
SUsers are: silke 
wsc16:/src# pt_util -m
Ubik Version is: 33554432.0
system:backup 2/0 -205 -204 -204
system:administrators 130/20 -204 -204 -204
   silke    1
system:ptsviewers 2/0 -203 -204 -204
system:authuser 2/0 -102 -204 -204
system:anyuser 2/0 -101 -204 -204

Silke Mueller