[OpenAFS] OAFS 1.0.4a SMP with a stock RedHat 2.4.3-12smp kernel

Andrei Maslennikov andrei@caspur.it
Fri, 13 Jul 2001 11:17:21 +0000 ( )

On Sat, 7 Jul 2001, Vladimir Kondratiev wrote:

> I (and several other guys I know) tried to manage it, but not succeeded. 
> OAFS always froze the (SMP) host with RedHat kernel. I suggest you to
> use kernel from net. Kernel compilation is straightforward, just several
> hours of compilation. I use, for closest to RedHat kernel results,
> RedHat's kernel config. 

Hi Vladimir,

thanks to a 1-line patch provided by Derrick J Brashear, OAFS now works
also on SMP RedHat stock kernels. Derrick says that it is a matter of days
before the corrected code will be available on openafs.org web site. 

In the meanwhile, you may check this binary build (which works on RedHat
7.1 with 2.4.2-2 and 2.4.3-12 stock kernels, UP/SMP, i386/i586):

rpm -qip /afs/caspur.it/project/openafs/afsclient-CASPUR-open71d.i386.rpm

(this query will also display the patch code itself).

Greetings - Andrei.

Andrei Maslennikov                                  phone : +39   06 4463354
CASPUR Inter-Univ. Computing Consortium and INFN    cell  : +39  335 6214776
c/o Universita' "La Sapienza", 00185 Rome, Italy    fax   : +39   06 4957083
___________________________________________________ mail  : andrei@caspur.it