[OpenAFS] 1.1.0 client on RH 7.1

Sam Hartman hartmans@mekinok.com
27 Jul 2001 11:22:20 -0400

>>>>> "Jan" == Jan Hrabe <hrabe@balrog.aecom.yu.edu> writes:

    Jan> Could you please elaborate why RPM would provide more
    Jan> functionality for the AFS server programs distribution than
    Jan> upserver? Currently, all I have to do is issue a single
    Jan> command (bos install) for every platform and everything else
    Jan> is taken care of for me. The update happens "automagically"
    Jan> and in sync on all servers. The distribution can even be
    Jan> encrypted. I don't see how the RPM system, otherwise great
    Jan> for individual computer upgrades, can do it as easily and
    Jan> "out of the box".

RPM provides dependency tracking for example.  My point is that
upserver does an adequate job for AFS.  It doesn't provide built in
version tracking, dependency resolution; it doesn't provide hooks to
make sure that for example you run the appropriate conversion scripts
if the DB format changes.

If you just deal with AFS, then well upserver is probably fine.  If
you end up needing to solve the general problem of cross-platform
server upgrades for lots of software, upserver doesn't really give you
all you need.  Once you have a general solution to this problem, you
probably will end up using it for AFS too.