[OpenAFS] CellServDB change

David Brumley dbrumley@rtfm.stanford.edu
Mon, 4 Jun 2001 11:14:12 -0700

The CellServDB entries for stanford should not include
dsg.stanford.edu on net 36.18.  Stanford no longer owns net 36 :(, and
dsg.stanford.edu's cell no longer exists.

David Brumley - Stanford Computer Security -   dbrumley at Stanford.EDU
Phone: +1-650-723-2445           WWW: http://www.stanford.edu/~dbrumley
Fax:   +1-650-725-9121  PGP: finger dbrumley-pgp at sunset.Stanford.EDU
Life is a whim of several billion cells to be you for a while.