[OpenAFS] RE: AFS - Win 98 problem: Unable to authenticate - requested tick et lifetime invalid

Pieter-Paul Giesberts (ELN) Pieter-Paul.Giesberts@eln.ericsson.se
Wed, 10 Oct 2001 10:19:26 +0200


it was a timezone problem after all... because I changed it on the server side, 
it works now!

Thanx, PP

-----Original Message-----
From: James Peterson [mailto:jimpeter@us.ibm.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2001 5:36 PM
To: Pieter-Paul Giesberts (ELN)
Cc: OpenAFS-info@openafs.org
Subject: AFS - Win 98 problem: Unable to authenticate - requested ticket
lifetime invalid

Is the TZ enviornment variable being set (autoexec.bat)?  This can easily
be reviewed by doing a SET from a DOS command.

Please check the Kerbos configuration.
You must set up your token life time properly.
Lifetime must be >0 and < 30 days.

You had mentioned that another configuration of Windows 98 works correctly.
Are both of these machines acessing the same cell?

James Peterson
"Integrity is the base of excellence."