[OpenAFS] Server shutdown...

Andrei Maslennikov andrei@caspur.it
Mon, 10 Sep 2001 14:00:01 +0000 ( )

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On Mon, 10 Sep 2001, Corey Kovacs wrote:

> yup, the machine was set to a default restart at 4am sunday and the
> error was just about that time. As for why it did not restart, that's
> the next mystery. By the way, why is it neccesary to restart AFS in this
> manner? Is it a "just in case"  measure? I can understand the binary
> restart, but why have a default automated restart at all if you are not
> using it? 

You may just put it to "never". The server restart is there since the
early days of AFS, the whole machinery IMHO was set up to combat the
developers' errors. See how it is explained in the manual: 

 "The weekly restart is designed to minimize core leaks, which can
  develop as a process continues to allocate virtual memory but does not
  free it again. When the memory is completely exhausted, the machine can
  no longer function correctly". 


Andrei Maslennikov                                  phone : +39   06 4463354
CASPUR Inter-Univ. Computing Consortium and INFN    cell  : +39  335 6214776
c/o Universita' "La Sapienza", 00185 Rome, Italy    fax   : +39   06 4957083
___________________________________________________ mail  : andrei@caspur.it
