[OpenAFS] Please...help... os x installation woes

Tino Schwarze tino.schwarze@informatik.tu-chemnitz.de
Sun, 28 Apr 2002 11:09:34 +0200

On Sat, Apr 27, 2002 at 04:40:22PM -0400, Seth Delackner wrote:

BTW: No need to send me a CC, I'm subscribed to the list.

> > Here's the issue:  Ubik specifically ignores localhost (
> > and MUST have a "real" IP Address.  It determines its own IP Address
> > partially from its own hostname.  If it cannot resolve its own
> > hostname (serv.linux.bogus, I guess) then it will fail.
> > 
> > Make sure that serv.linux.bogus resolves to a "real"
> > (i.e. non-localhost) IP address.
> I don't know how hostname was getting set, but I ran hostname to change
> the hostname to mac.linux.bogus, and now things are moving along quite
> nicely!  Thanks for the help.  As someone who has always used
> /etc/hosts, I feel really lost getting dns (named) working.

I don't know anything about MacOS X but I guess that "hostname" does not
change the host name permanently! Have a look into /etc - there should be
a config file somewhere.  Maybe 
find /etc -type f | xargs grep -l serv.linux.bogus
helps to find that particular file. The "hostname" command is usually
used during bootup to tell the kernel about the host name.

> But now I have a roadblock.  I cringe in fear at the thought of
> partitioning my brand new OS X machine because it is configured so
> nicely and I don't want to destroy the existing partitions.

As has already been mentioned: Just create /vicepa and all should be

HTH! Tino.

             * LINUX - Where do you want to be tomorrow? *