[OpenAFS] can't mount AFS on /afs

Adrian Knoth adi@drcomp.erfurt.thur.de
Thu, 15 Aug 2002 09:33:04 +0200

On Wed, Aug 14, 2002 at 07:39:11PM -0700, Michael wrote:

> > This is the main error. Do you have correct (and I mean _really_
> > correct) CellServDB and ThisCell-Files?
> cat CellServDB yielsds: >pbpl   #Cell name
>                         128.xx.xx.x    #corona
> cat ThisCell yielsds: pbpl

A little bit short this cellname, but that shouldn't matter.
> corona# bos status corona

You may add -long and should also have a look at the logfiles if you think
there is something wrong.

> bos: no such entry (getting tickets)
> bos: running unauthenticated
> how do i run authentiacated?  

You can run authenticated by omitting the "-noauth"-Flag at bosserver-start.
But this means that you'll need to auhenticate via klog if you want to
do any bos-activities.

> could this be the problem's source?

Hmm, well, not really. Have you found the pdf-file from Tino and Chris?
Sure, it is written in German, but it is very short and the commands are
clear. If you'll follow this paper you'll probably find what's missing
in your local setup.

mail: adi@thur.de  	http://adi.thur.de	PGP: v2-key via keyserver

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