[OpenAFS] PHP API (Was: PHP and AFS?)

Turbo Fredriksson turbo@bayour.com
26 Dec 2002 12:53:46 +0100

Quoting Russ Allbery <rra@stanford.edu>:

> > so no, that's not what I want. I'd like to have the API implemented in
> > PHP, so that I can use the functions directly.
> I think you'll have to do that yourself, as I doubt anyone has already
> done that with PHP.  The Perl module may be helpful as an example.  Note
> that the AFS C API is kind of grody still.

I looked into this about six months ago, and it SEEMS that
PHP modules are just 'wrappers' around the C API. I looked
at the LDAP module, and it seems easy enough.

Can someone comment on this? Writing a API in PHP (or perl and the
like), would there be anything specially I need to think of? I'm
a Perl, C, and now PHP coder, but I never done something like this,
writing/reimplementing an API in another language...

I was looking into writing some kerberos enabled program, but I
was discouraged because there where a lot of thought and inside
knowledge needed to write a good and secure kerberos application.
And I assume that the same goes for AFS.

Would this be true even for this PHP API? I'm not coding a Kerberos/AFS
application per see, just 'exporting' the C functions to PHP... ?