[OpenAFS] File server allegedly unavailable

Holger Brueckner lists@net-labs.de
05 Feb 2002 12:11:04 +0100

On Tue, 2002-02-05 at 11:47, Dr A V Le Blanc wrote:

> There isn't any apparent problem with networking.  I can ping
> either machine from the other, use tcp and udp from either machine
> to the other.  How can it be a hardware problem?  Or is the
> ethernet card working for other protocols, but not for AFS?

well i just wrote my opinion .. if as you statet it is an installation
of a working image there obviously must be something wrong with the
hardware .. did you try that machine with another ip address (from a
working one). for me it looks like these hard to find errors, which in
your case might be triggered by the openafs code.

in your case first thing i would do is testing/exchanging memory 

good luck :)
