[OpenAFS] File server allegedly unavailable

Derek Atkins derek@ihtfp.com
05 Feb 2002 11:17:52 -0500

Dr A V Le Blanc <LeBlanc@mcc.ac.uk> writes:

> Yes, this was a Transarc AFS 3.6 fileserver, but it is now also
> OpenAFS 1.2.3.  This seems to have solved the problem.  I was not
> able to find a reference to the client in question in the logs.
> Is there a way to tell a fileserver that a client is _not_ down?

Unfortunately, no.  Granted, we've been trying to find all the cases
where a live client will be marked down and fix it (so that the client
can revive itself).  There are a number of patches to this affect in
OpenAFS, but Transarc hasn't fixed some of those problems.  So, you
might have better luck with an OpenAFS server.

With a Transarc server, your only recourse is to restart the

> Thanks again for all the help with this one.


       Derek Atkins
       Computer and Internet Security Consultant
       derek@ihtfp.com             www.ihtfp.com