[OpenAFS] OAFS performance on diskless clients

Dirk Heinrichs heini@qis-systemhaus.de
Wed, 6 Feb 2002 14:34:18 +0100 (MET)


I wonder what would be the minimum requirements for a network based on
OAFS Servers and diskless clients with a user base >100. Would a 10 MBit
network be sufficient, or better go for 100MBit.

Any suggestions?


Dirk Heinrichs          | Tel:  +49 (0)241 413 260
Configuration Manager   | Fax:  +49 (0)241 413 2640
QIS Systemhaus GmbH     | Mail: dheinrichs@qis-systemhaus.de
Juelicher Str. 338      | Web:  http://www.qis-systemhaus.de
D-52070 Aachen          | ICQ#: 110037733