[OpenAFS] Moving AFS server processes

Derek Atkins openafs" <openafs-info@openafs.org
14 Feb 2002 10:02:59 -0500

"Michael Aldrich" <maldrich@reserveamerica.com> writes:

> > Um -- this appears to be a problem; there is no sync-site.

> I'm not famaliar with the sync-site. 

The sync-site is when the servers all talk to each other and agree on
which of them is the "master" (sync) site.  This is how Ubik prevents
conflicting db changes by requiring all changes to be administered by
the sync site.

> > Um, what about the KeyFile?

> The KeyFile is not a generated file?

Um, in a word... NO!   It is generated, somewhat, at the beginning,
but to add a server to your cell you have to copy the KeyFile.

Did you even read the IBM/Transarc AFS documentation?  In particular
the section on "How to add a server to your cell"?


       Derek Atkins
       Computer and Internet Security Consultant
       derek@ihtfp.com             www.ihtfp.com