[OpenAFS] Moving AFS server processes

Nuno Miguel Neves nneves@di.fc.ul.pt
Fri, 15 Feb 2002 11:22:16 +0000


I will be making this move also, but my old server has Transarc AFS 3.4a running on a SUN, and the new one will be OAFS on Linux.
Does the same method apply? Or the version change requires some other technique?

Derrick J Brashear wrote:
> On Thu, 14 Feb 2002, Michael Aldrich wrote:
> > > Did you even read the IBM/Transarc AFS documentation?  In particular
> > > the section on "How to add a server to your cell"?
> > Yes, repeatedly. When I try to add bos create commands, I get You are
> > unauthorized...
> > I use the command klog admin
> > passwd: <enter the password created for admin on the first server machine>
> > Unable to authenticate to AFS because user doesn't exist.!?
> > I try on my server machine (Sun box) and get the same error! I created the
> > account 'admin' when the machine was first installed. Admin does exist in
> > the 'UserList'.
> If you're migrating you didn't need to create a new "admin", you already
> had one. If you started setting up the new machine as if it was a new
> cell, you may run into some problems. If you want to move from one server
> to another, configure the new machine as a server, but leave the first
> server alone, and don't remove it from your CellServDB.
> Here are instructions. If you get to any of the "stop. you lost" points,
> tell us what you did. (openafs-info, not me directly)
> Start by setting up the KeyFile on the new machine. It should be the same
> as on the old machine. You should copy it securely somehow (not with
> unencrypted ftp, unless you're on a private network); Set up the UserList,
> CellServDB and ThisCell file for the server (/usr/afs/etc if you use
> Transarc paths; otherwise, you need to know what paths you're using). The
> CellServDB should only have the old machine in it.
> Start the bosserver and then create the fileserver bnode. at this point
> you should be able to klog admin and create a volume on your new
> fileserver. If you can't, stop here. You've already lost. Otherwise,
> continue.
> Copy the AFS database files securely from the old machine to the new
> machine. If you use upserver, you can ujse upclient on the new machine to
> get them, otherwise, scp, encrypted ftp, or being on a private network is
> ok. Put them in your db directory. (/usr/afs/db or where your installation
> wants them).
> Configure the CellServDB on your old server and your new server to have
> the new server listed. bos restart the vlserver, kaserver and ptserver on
> the old machine. bos create a kaserver, ptserver and vlserver on the new
> machine. Wait. In about 90 seconds you should be able to e.g. udebug
> newserver 7004 and/or udebug oldserver 7004 and see that one or the other
> has become sync site for the kaserver service, and that recovery state is
> "1f". If after 5 minutes this hasn't happened (just to be safe), stop,
> you've lost. The logs in /usr/afs/logs may tell you why.
> You should also check the services on 7002 (ptserver) and 7003 (vlserver),
> but if the kaserver works, they likely will also.
> Ok, now you should be ok to shut down the old database servers. Update all
> CellServDBs to only know about the new server. Stop the
> kaserver/vlserver/ptserver on the old server. Restart the
> kaserver/vlserver/ptserver on the new server. udebug newserver 7004 should
> show the new server as sync site. If after about 5 minutes it doesn't (and
> this is really unnecessary as in a single server installation it either
> works or not) stop. You've lost.
> At this point you can use vos move to move all the volumes from the old
> server to the new server, if there are any. You'll need to klog admin
> (well, actually you won't, but to make sure everything is ok, you want
> to).
> After this finishes the old server can stop being an AFS server entirely.
> Make sure all your clients get updated CellServDBs and get restarted.
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                  nneves@di.fc.ul.pt    Dept. Informatica, Fac. Ciencias,
|\ |    |\ |      Tel: +351 21 7500528  Univ. Lisboa, Bloco C5, Campo Grande
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