[OpenAFS] The status of Windows support...

Jimmy Engelbrecht jimmy-li@e.kth.se
19 Feb 2002 08:58:29 +0100

Rodney M Dyer <rmdyer@uncc.edu> writes:

> Can I get a heads-up on where OpenAFS is going and why no one has
> resonded to my particular XP problem?  (original problem message at
> bottom of this mail)

I have red your last mail and do not exactly understand your problem,
thats maybe because i dont know anything about windows.

Is the problem that you want to login with the kerberos5-password to
windows and then also want afstokens ? Which means if it doesent work
the users have to type their password twice, which is of course
unacceptable ?

We have at my site 1 Windows-XP machine that also runs OpenAFS 1.2.1,
it has no kerberos-login but the afsclient works fine for me.


P.S. The Stockholm University (NOT the KTH!) has hired an
arla-developer to port the arla-client to Windows XP, but dont hold
your breath ... it might be working next year, who knows :-)