[OpenAFS] touch: creating `/afs/x': No such file or directory
Charles Clancy
Wed, 12 Jun 2002 12:52:32 -0500 (CDT)
> tuzjfi:~# ls /afs
> tuzjfi:~# touch /afs/x
> touch: creating `/afs/x': No such file or directory
> ...
> With a fools persistency I'm continuing to try to get OpenAFS
> to work on my Sparc at home...
It seems like your client is broken. The server looks okay. I'd suggest
seeing if you can get a second machine connected to it as a client,
perhaps a machine with a different architecture.
I don't have any experience with the debian packages. Normally, I'd
suggest "rm -rf"-ing /usr/vice, reinstalling the client from scratch, and
recompiling the kernel module yourself. I didn't even realize sparc-linux
was supported. Did you compile from the Debian source package?
[ t charles clancy ]-[ tclancy@uiuc.edu ]-[ uiuc.edu/~tclancy ]