[OpenAFS] touch: creating `/afs/x': No such file or directory

Derrick J Brashear shadow@dementia.org
Thu, 13 Jun 2002 02:22:11 -0400 (EDT)

On 13 Jun 2002, Turbo Fredriksson wrote:

> >>>>> "Derrick" == Derrick J Brashear <shadow@dementia.org> writes:
>     Derrick> On 13 Jun 2002, Turbo Fredriksson wrote:
>     Torbjorn> There is something b0rken in the 2.2.18(/19?)  for
>     Torbjorn> sparc+openafs+debian 3.0.
>     >>  I'm running 2.2.20...
>     Derrick> Run a 2.4 kernel, or run something other than OpenAFS
>     Derrick> 1.2.3, or lose.
> I'm running OpenAFS 1.2.5...

Fine. Ignore strace; Use tcpdump

tcpdump -n -vv -s 1500 -i (whatever) port 7000

make sure you dump the requisite interface. if you see no traffic it's
probably the wrong interface. what do you get? (hopefully you have a
useful tcpdump; debian should)