[OpenAFS] Initial setup of Slave/Replica servers

Turbo Fredriksson turbo@bayour.com
15 Jun 2002 12:29:52 +0200

Since I now got OpenAFS (v1.2.5) working on my SPARC's, I'm starting
to setup the slaves...

Configuring the OpenAFS-Client, I get the question

        What hosts are DB servers for your home cell?

In my test environment at home, it's 'tuzjfi.bayour.com', but when
these (two) machines go online, it's to be 'papadoc.bayour.com'.

To test that replication etc works, I thought I set them up like 
if it's live (using tuzjfi and localhost FQDN as main system) and
then when I'm happy with everything, I change what needs to be
changed and move them to their real location.

Will it cause any problems when I change IP and location on them?
Can I just change (with a text editor) the IP/FQDN in CellServDB,
or do I need to do something special?

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