[OpenAFS] openafs.org cell and e.kth.se

Jimmy Engelbrecht jimmy@e.kth.se
26 Jun 2002 19:18:57 +0200

My afscrawler (which is not running anymore) crashed a lot of mashines
about 3 weeks ago, people did therefore block my site "e.kth.se".

First i want to say that if you dont block port 7000 AND 7001 your
fileservers will die if people will talk to it and the fileserver is not
able to send callbacks. (this happend to openafs.org yesterday.)

However my problem is the following, andrew.e.kth.se runs a fileserver for
openafs.org, this cell is accessed by the same sites that has blocked my
site, which means my filerserver dies because it cant send callbacks.

Which means the cell openafs.org will continue to suck untill people stop
firewalling or at least block all ports 7000-7009 to my site.

Another sollution would be that i block the sites that block me, which
solves the problem for me, but not for the people who blocked me and want
to access data at my site.

This could of course also be used to attack fileservers, so maybe we should
fix the problem in the openafs-source some day.

/Jimmy, /afs/openafs.org