[OpenAFS] OpenAFS directory update is SLOW. Performance tuning?

Jean-Marc Chaton jcn@austin.ibm.com
Mon, 25 Mar 2002 10:22:40 +0100

* Noel Burton-Krahn [Fri, 22/03/2002 at 16:26 -0800]
> Thanks for the suggestion.  However I notice that my Linux AFS client works
> quite well.  My WinXP client on the other hand is really sluggish.  Both
> clients are on the same box.  The Linux client is actually running emulated
> under VMWare  (which is a wonderful product!) and it still beats un-emulated
> WinXP hands down.  A CVS update under WinXP on an AFS directory takes 1.5
> minutes, on Linux AFS it takes about 12 sec, and on either raw hard drive
> takes 8 sec.  Mind you, my CVS tree is pretty huge with over 1500 files.
> (find . -name Entries | xargs cat | wc = 1523)

I also noticed that : AFS client under VMWare is really slow (I would 10