[OpenAFS] Need help getting OpenAFS integrated login working on Linux RedHat 7.3

John Bleichert syborg@stny.rr.com
Wed, 29 May 2002 18:36:05 -0400

Charles Clancy wrote:

>>3) Do I need to create a local user with the same id/password as my AFS id
>>on a Linux system?
>Sort of.  You need a local user with no usable password -- that is,
>something like "*NP*" in /etc/shadow.
>>Or can I somehow login, obtain an AFS token, and startup
>>in my AFS home?  (I do this on my AIX system and was hoping to do the same
>>on Linux.)
You'll also have a hell of a time (I would think) getting AFS and/or VPN 
access to your cell at work. If I could access my AFS acount at work 
from home I'd be really happy, but I think I'm more likely to see Frank 
Zappa live than I am to get Corporate to let me VPN from home in Linux 
and access my AIX box and our cell.


>>auth       required   /lib/security/pam_afs.so ignore_uid 100 dont_fork
>Again, unless you're using some sort of apache module for PAM
>autentication, you don't need this.

I missed the beginning of this thread (Im all outta sorts without Pine) 
- if you just want httpd to read files out of AFS  you just need to make 
sure the ACL for the readable dirs includes "system:anyuser rl" - I have 
my docroot in AFS and also read ~user from AFS. This was easier than 
creating an ID for httpd ...


>I know that on my redhat 7.2 machine, this file isn't used.  You should
>modify /etc/pam.d/gdm if you're using the graphical login screen.
>For console logins to work, all you need to do is modify /etc/pam.d/login.
>For graphical logins, /etc/pam.d/gdm.  For unlocking your screensaver
>(gnome only, I think -- you're screwed if you're using KDE) edit
>Depending on your setup, you may want to edit files such as
>Also, with Redhat's pam arrangement, you can just edit
>/etc/pam.d/system-auth, and include the AFS settings there, and everything
>else will magically work, because they call pam_stack.so which processes
>the settings in the service argument.

Thanks for the system-auth tip!