[OpenAFS] no cache size in cacheinfo, 100% of space
Derek Atkins
31 Oct 2002 13:35:01 -0500
Joerg Sommer <joerg@alea.gnuu.de> writes:
> I give the size given by df -k to afs and then recreate the fs with a
> lower count of inodes, afer I saw how may files afs creates. Can I
> calculate this by myself?
> It I assign more then 100% of disk space to afs, it doesn't woory about
> this. I then get error messages from the filesystem of unaccessable
> inodes, but afsd tries to use more then 100% of disk space, even though
> it determines, that the given size is to great. It's a bug!
No, it's user configuration dain-bramage. How is AFS supposed to know
whether the parition filled because of itself of because you decided
to drop a large temp-file on the partition? afsd CANNOT know that
you're on a dedicated partition, and historically there are sites that
DO NOT run with a dedicated cache partition.
Just run df, tune down to 85%, and live with the fact that your cache
wont use those few extra megabytes.
> Joerg.
Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/ PP-ASEL-IA N1NWH
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