[OpenAFS] volume quotas

Martha.Cofran@cexp.com Martha.Cofran@cexp.com
Tue, 10 Sep 2002 12:59:45 -0600


I have a volume with the following characteristics:

Volume status for vid = 536870921 named catalog
Current disk quota is 1536000
Current blocks used are 984103
The partition has 1298112 blocks available out of 2416424
64% of quota used.

When I try to copy a 600 byte file into the volume (or even when I try to
create an empty file), I get the error:  
cp: cannot create /afs/.ewayqe.cexp.com/catalog/writing_off.gif: File too

It looks like I have plenty of room on the volume.  Does anyone know what
I've done wrong or missed?

Thanks for any help you can give.