[OpenAFS] BOOT AFS kernel module in openafs-kernel RPM

Marc Schmitt schmitt@inf.ethz.ch
Fri, 03 Jan 2003 10:23:17 +0100

Dear Derek,

First, I'd like to thank you for maintaining the OpenAFS RPMs, it makes 
it a breeze to keep the machines up to date.
Second, my question is about something that is probably already there 
and I just didn't figure it out and basicly *nice to have* as an easy 
workaround exists.

 From time to time, I rebuild the RedHat installer CDs with the latest 
errata RPMs, including OpenAFS. We're using those updated installer 
images for kickstart installations where AFS gets started in the 
postinstall section for various tasks (update RPMs, autoconfig, mirror 
software etc.). Currently,  the errata kernel is newer than the modules 
provided in the openafs-kernel-1.2.8-rh7.3.1.i386.rpm. After rebuilding 
the source RPM inside an updated installation, the openafs-kernel RPM 

Starting AFS during postinstall fails of course with:
Hmm...  I can't seem to find an AFS kernel module suitable for your 
Linux kernel.  That means you will need to build or obtain a suitable 
The following information may be of some use in obtaining assistance:
CPU Type:       686.amd.4
Linux version:  2.4.18-19.7.xBOOT #1 Thu Dec 12 07:31:08 EST 2002
RedHat release: Red Hat Linux release 7.3 (Valhalla)
Symbol versions:
  iget4      7ddb8789
  iget4      7ddb8789
  sock_create 85fd4c4a
Did not find matching module in SymTable
AFS module /usr/vice/etc/modload/libafs-2.4.18-19.7.xBOOT.o does not 
exist. Not starting AFS.

While it is easy to *feed* this module manually in the postinstall 
section, I wonder if there is an *easy* way to include it in the 
openafs-kernel RPM? When I look at the spec file, I see support for the 
BOOT kernel, but there is no flag like "enterprisekernelsupport" to 
enable the build of a corresponding module. Would you consider adding a 
flag like "bootkernelsupport" that defaults to 0?

