[OpenAFS] covering bases: hangs and halts, rh7.3 w/2.4.20-18.7 kernel, OpenAFS 1.2.9

Lee Damon nomad@ssli-mail.ee.washington.edu
Tue, 01 Jul 2003 14:07:53 -0700

> Nothing else should have changed stack usage wise, but there's no AFS
> symbols in that stack trace, either.

I don't really think this is AFS related, I'm reporting it here for
completeness sake.  Of course, if anyone else on this list was experiencing 
it I'd be a lot more willing to be suspicious of AFS.

>> Jul  1 13:07:28 bird1 kernel: do_IRQ: stack overflow: 296
>Do you know offhand if this has non-executable stack changes in it?

I'm not sure I really understand what you mean by this question, or how
I'd go about finding out the answer to it.  (But then, I try to stay
as far as possible from doing kernelish things. :)

thanks for looking,
 -----------                       - Lee "nomad" Damon -          \
work: nomad@ee.washington.edu                                      \
play: nomad@castle.org    or castle!nomad                           \
Sr. Systems Admin, UWEE SSLI Lab                                   /  \
                "Celebrate Diversity"                             /    \