[OpenAFS] amanda-afs
John Morris
12 Jun 2003 02:38:40 -0500
I've been looking for a way to backup AFS from amanda. Came across
Mitch Collinsworth's posts on the OpenAFS list about his amanda-afs
Anyway, downloaded it, and after a fair deal of trouble with C syntax
errors, missing -lfoo library declarations, and other problems, I've
actually got it wrapped up into the RH amanda .src.rpm, and it even
seems to work at first glance. It's a hack, but no more than
amanda-afs is. :)
If anyone's interested in checking the thing out, download it from
I'd love to hear what anyone has to say about amanda-afs, even just if
anyone's using it. I'm running RH8 (but stole the RH9 SRPM) on x86
with OpenAFS. This is my first time to play with Amanda, I chose it
'cause aside from doing all the normal things I'd expect a serious
backup system to do, it also has the file: output driver, very cool!
John Morris