[OpenAFS] Openafs-Client and Windows
Rodney M Dyer
Mon, 03 Mar 2003 17:36:06 -0500
Mr. Engert,
We mount a global drive to the top of our AFS file system for our users
called the "n:" drive. The drive is mounted by a system startup
script. Since the drive is mounted by user SYSTEM, once mounted, the users
can't remove it because they don't have admin privileges.
I know that the AFS client config allows the setup of global drives and
sub-mounts, but this is an auxiliary function to its purpose. I've never
wanted to use the AFS client config for mounting the global drives because
it isn't a "clean" way to do it, ie it isn't scriptable.
The ability to mount other "rooted" drives from the global drive works
simply by using the "subst.exe" command.
For example:
net use n: \\pc1-afs\all
will mount the "n:" drive to the top of the AFS file system.
subst.exe u: n:\domain\usr\username
will create a "rooted" "u:" drive to a user's AFS home directory.
For more info see appendix C) XP Workstation Boot Script "mosaicd.cmd" in...
This might help.
Rodney M. Dyer
x86 Systems Programmer
Mosaic Computing Group
William States Lee College of Engineering
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Email rmdyer@uncc.edu
Phone (704)687-3518
Help Desk Line (704)687-3150
FAX (704)687-2352
Office 267 Smith Building
At 03:10 PM 3/3/2003 -0600, you wrote:
>James, Thomas,
>Based on your commens on this thread, maybe you could answer the question
>I asked last week, as it is related to assigning of drive letters for users.
>The src/WINNT/afsd_service.c has commented out the code to map AFS Global
>which would have called:
>sprintf(szAfsPath, "\\Device\\LanmanRedirector\\%s\\%s-AFS\\%s",
>cm_HostName, szSubMount);
>DefineDosDevice(DDD_RAW_TARGET_PATH, szDriveToMapTo, szAfsPath);
>It claims that this code was moved to Drivemap.cpp. But it appears that the
>Global drivres are never defined.
>Is there some reason that this would be droped or was it never implemented?
>If it was still there, then a single drive letter could be assigned to point
>at /afs, or /afs/your.cell which could then be used by all the users,
>and would get around the roaming profiles and shared afsdsbmt.ini problems.
>The help for the function says Windows NT/2000 or later and:
> "MS-DOS Device names are global. After it is defined, an MS-DOS device
> name
> remains visible to all processes until either it is explicitly
> removed or
> the system restarts."
> Douglas E. Engert <DEEngert@anl.gov>
> Argonne National Laboratory
> 9700 South Cass Avenue
> Argonne, Illinois 60439
> (630) 252-5444
>OpenAFS-info mailing list