[OpenAFS] OSX kerberos plugin fails with multiple principals

Henry B. Hotz hotz@jpl.nasa.gov
Fri, 21 Mar 2003 11:48:53 -0800

This is Alexei's plugin.  I haven't tried Ragnar's.  I can't be 
certain which prompt is from which part of the system, but I had the 
passwords set the same in the institutional server as in my own 
heimdal server for this test.

[dhcp-78-212-233:~] hotz% kinit hotz@JPL.NASA.GOV
Kerberos Login:
Please enter the password for hotz@JPL.NASA.GOV:
[dhcp-78-212-233:~] hotz% klist -A
Kerberos 4 ticket cache: 'Initial default ccache'
Default Principal: hotz@JPL.NASA.GOV
Issued             Expires            Service Principal
03/21/03 11:26:53  03/21/03 21:26:53  krbtgt.JPL.NASA.GOV@JPL.NASA.GOV
03/21/03 11:26:56  03/21/03 21:26:56  afs@JPL.NASA.GOV

[dhcp-78-212-233:~] hotz% tokens

Tokens held by the Cache Manager:

User's (AFS ID 1989) tokens for afs@jpl.nasa.gov [Expires Mar 21 21:26]
    --End of list--
[dhcp-78-212-233:~] hotz% kinit hotz@HOTZ.JPL.NASA.GOV
Kerberos Login:
Please enter the password for hotz@HOTZ.JPL.NASA.GOV:
Kerberos Login:
Please enter your principal name: hotz
Please enter the password for hotz@JPL.NASA.GOV:
Segmentation fault
[dhcp-78-212-233:~] hotz% klist -A
Kerberos 4 ticket cache: 'Initial default ccache'
Default Principal: hotz@JPL.NASA.GOV
Issued             Expires            Service Principal
03/21/03 11:28:01  03/21/03 21:28:01  krbtgt.JPL.NASA.GOV@JPL.NASA.GOV
03/21/03 11:28:09  03/21/03 21:28:09  afs@JPL.NASA.GOV

Kerberos 5 ticket cache: 'API:0'
Default Principal: hotz@HOTZ.JPL.NASA.GOV
Valid Starting     Expires            Service Principal
03/21/03 11:27:51  03/21/03 21:27:52 

[dhcp-78-212-233:~] hotz% tokens

Tokens held by the Cache Manager:

User's (AFS ID 1989) tokens for afs@jpl.nasa.gov [Expires Mar 21 21:28]
    --End of list--
[dhcp-78-212-233:~] hotz%

I just noticed something interesting.  Even though the plugin (or 
something) segfaulted, the afs ticket (and the token) did get updated 
expiration times.

Now the way I think this *should* work is it should get the 
afs@HOTZ.JPL.NASA.GOV ticket and add it to the API:0 ticket cache. 
It probably should fail creating the token somewhere since I'm not 
actually running a hotz.jpl.nasa.gov AFS cell.  Also it shouldn't 
prompt for the password the second time, of course.

I don't actually need this capability you understand.  I'm really 
pleased with what I've got from the OpenAFs community.  Thank you all!
The opinions expressed in this message are mine,
not those of Caltech, JPL, NASA, or the US Government.
Henry.B.Hotz@jpl.nasa.gov, or hbhotz@oxy.edu