[OpenAFS] Knfs doesn't work on an AFS/NFS translator under OpenAFS

Renata Maria Dart Renata Maria Dart <renata@SLAC.Stanford.EDU>
Tue, 20 May 2003 11:20:52 -0700 (PDT)

Hi, we have been running an AFS/NFS translator for years under 
Transarc AFS.  As part of our migration to OpenAFS, I just tested 
the translator on a solaris 9 system running OpenAFS 1.2.9 
and found that it only works to a limited degree.  It allows me 
to read files in my AFS home directory, but I cannot get write
privileges with the knfs command.  I get the following:

renata@afstrans $ 10:41 knfs -host some-nfs-client
knfs: failed to copy tokens (code 22)

If I reboot the test translator after switching to Transarc AFS (3.6 2.43), 
knfs on the nfs client succeeds and I then have write access.  

Is this a know problem with OpenAFS?  Or is there something
extra that needs to be done in order for OpenAFS to succeed 
as a translator?


 Renata Dart                         | renata@SLAC.Stanford.edu  
 Stanford Linear Accelerator Center  |    
 2575 Sand Hill Road, MS 97          | (650) 926-2848 (office)
 Stanford, California   94025        | (650) 926-3329 (fax)