[OpenAFS] OpenAFS+KerberosV permission problem

Richard Wallace rwallace@a--i--m.com
Wed, 28 May 2003 20:22:59 -0700

Derrick J Brashear wrote:

>You should reply to openafs-info, since I may not answer in a timely
>>pts createuser -name tester -cell mycell
>>Do I need to specify the id?
>>If so, should it be the user system id as
>>in the passwd file (or in my case ldap)?
>That's a common way of doing this.
>OpenAFS-info mailing list
I'm still getting permission denied after adding the user by executing:
pts createuser -name rwallace -id 1000 -noauth

I had to do noauth cause I'm no longer running the kaserver (I shutdown 
bosserver and restarted it using the -noauth option).  To avoid this in 
the future I added the user rwallace to the system:administrators.  Then 
I shutdown the bosserver and restarted it normally.  Everything seemed 
to go right with getting the tickets and afs token.  But I'm still 
getting the 'Permission denied' message.  Also, if I try and do a 'pts 
ex rwallace' after getting the token it kicks me out with:
pts: Permission denied ; unable to find entry for (id: 1000)

But if I run it with -noauth or before getting a ticket (which reverts 
to a noauth) it displays the users info as:
Name: rwallace, id: 1000, owner: system:administrators, creator: anonymous,
    membership: 1, flags: S----, group quota: unlimited.

Clearly the user is there with an id of 1000, so why is pts reporting it 
can't find it?


P.S.  This is frustrating... every step I take I feel like I hit another 
roadblock.  I think I'm so close to being done.  But I really appreciate 
the help everyone has been giving.  Thanks a bunch!