[OpenAFS] Unable to prevent KAS from granting tickets to WIndows-Client
johannes groener
Tue, 27 Apr 2004 16:24:20 +0200
I have problems dealing with an OpenAFS-installation at school. To set
up an examination-environment, I need to prevent pupils from accessing
their files using their own accounts (they get temporary accounts for
this purpose). This is managed by setting the NOTGS-flag wit kas, and
works fine on linux-clients with either the OpenAFS-Client 1.2.8 or
1.2.11 installed (server tested also with both this versions).
klog says: "Unable to authenticate to AFS because may not authenticate
as this user."
When I ask for a token with windows-client 1.2.10 or 1.3.63, using gui
or klog-command (no integrated login), I get it. "kas examine" shows me
the NOTGS-flag for the user.
I also tried to lock the user by exceeding his allowed attempts of
unsuccessful authentications, then klog tells me "Unable to authenticate
to AFS because ID is locked - see your system admin (KALOCKED)" on
linux-clients, and also kas argues "User is locked forever", but I see
no effects at the windows-client, still get tokens, still get access to
personal files.
In all cases
the cache, unloging and rebooting the client-machine does not change
circumstances. There is an account-manager installed on the
windows-clients, wich in both versions recognizes the NOTGS-flag, does
not show the status "locked" but can unlock the user.
The windows-clients run unpatched XP pro, and there are no other
problems with the AFS-clients, but teachers who refuse to work with linux.
Is there anyone ho can tell me how to solve the problem, or has another
idea how to lock user-accounts?
Greetings from old europe, Johannes