[OpenAFS] rought timeline for 1.4.x

James Burns James Burns <jfburns@gmail.com>
Tue, 7 Dec 2004 09:29:24 -0500

> Jeffrey Altman schrieb:
> | Troy:
> |
> | The thing which is preventing the release of 1.3.7x as a stable 1.4
> | tree is lack of deployment and testing by users.  There has been very
> | little feedback both positive or negative on the existing releases.
> | Without this feedback it is very difficult for us to know whether or
> | not it is ready.

If someone could build "official" rpms for 1.3.7x that might encourage
some other people (myself included) to try it. 1.2.13 hasn't been that
stable for me, but I tried building 1.3.7x a while ago to replace the
rpms and it didn't work out (almost definitely operator error). I'd
upgrade to 1.3.7x if I could "just install it" by upgrading 1.2.13
rpms. Parts of a spec file for 1.3.7x was posted at some point
recently, but I'm not sure where the rest is. As a client 1.3.74 on
Windows is quite solid considering the hibernation / boot cycle it
receives on my laptop.
