Re[2]: [OpenAFS] permissions, symbolic links, ftp

Ron Croonenberg ronc@DEPAUW.EDU
Thu, 08 Jan 2004 07:51:59 +0000 (CT)

Yes both user and otheruser exist.

btw: I ftp in using the "otheruser" account, and then try to change  directory
to the /home/user/public_html/csc496 directory via that symbolic link

here are the permissions that exist in that directory :
Access list for . is
Normal rights:
  faculty rl
  system:anyuser rl
  admin rlidwka
  user rlidwka
  otheruser rlidwk

here are the permissions that exist in the other users directory where the
symbolic links are :
Access list for . is
Normal rights:
  system:anyuser rl
  admin rlidwka
  otheruser rlidwka

With ftp it doesn't seem to work. When I just login as otheruser (a shell) and
cd to the symbolic link, everything just seems to work.



>Are you sure that /home/user exists when you ftp in?
>Ron Croonenberg <ronc@DEPAUW.EDU> writes:
>> Hello all,
>> I have a permissions question.
>> I have a user with a public html directory and a subdirectory  in that one.
>> some thing like :
>> /home/user/public_html/csc496
>> I set permissions so that another user has accress to it with :
>> fs setacl /home/user/public_html/csc496 otheruser rlidwk
>> then, in otheruser's  home directory I made a symbolic link to that directory
>> with :
>> ln -s /home/user/public_html/csc496 /home/otheruser/user
>> Now when I use ftp, connect as otheruser and try to cd to user (and that's a
>> symbolic link to that other directory) then ftp reports that it "can't find
>> file
>> So am I missing some permission ?
>> thanks,
>> Ron
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