Re[2]: [OpenAFS] IBM AFS server manager 3.5

Ron Croonenberg
Fri, 9 Jul 2004 18:21:00 CT

>That is the loopback address.
>Every computer with TCP/IP has that address.  It is the local computer.
>So to the OpenAFS server is itself -- the server, not your
>windows computer.

ok so that mean that on the server that serves the cell I should have a config file somewhere that has
the loopback address in it somewhere.  right ?

(btw:  in that afs server manager, it gives me the dns name of the windows machine, with the loopback
address as it's IP, NOT the dns name of the server with it's loopback address.) that is Why I suspected
the  windows machine somehow popping up as a server for that cell.  So maybe it's something in the
configuration of AFS on that windows thing ?


 Ron Croonenberg                     |  Phone: 1 765 658 4761
 Technology Coordinator              |  Fax:   1 765 658 4732
 Department of ComputerScience       |  e-mail :
 DePauw University                   |
 Julian Science & Math Center        |
 602 South College Ave.              |
 Greencastle, IN  46135              |