Re[2]: [OpenAFS] mountpoints in windows XP

Ron Croonenberg
Fri, 23 Jul 2004 10:48:31 CT

>When you are viewing home/cowboy, what is the path which is used to view it?
>What are the acls for that path
>    fs listacl \\AFS\\home\cowboy
C:\>fs listacl \\AFS\\home\cowboy
Access list for \\AFS\\home\cowboy is
Normal rights:
  system:anyuser rl
  admin rlidwka
  cowboy rlidwka

>    fs listacl \\AFS\cowboy
ok ..  I have \\AFS\afs2  that is a mountpoint for
and \\AFS\afs2a that is a mountpoint for /afs/

C:\>fs listacl \\AFS\afs2a
fs: File '\\AFS\afs2a' doesn't exist

C:\>fs listacl \\AFS\afs2
Access list for \\AFS\afs2 is
Normal rights:
  system:anyuser rl
  admin rlidwka
  cowboy rlidwka

>    fs listacl M:
well  I have M: that is \\AFS\afs2a  and k:  that is afs2  (as mentioned above)
here's what that does :
C:\>fs listacl k:
Access list for k: is
Normal rights:
  system:anyuser rl
  admin rlidwka
  cowboy rlidwka

C:\>fs listacl m:
fs: Invalid argument; it is possible that m: is not in AFS.

but...   m was created with the client software (and show up in my computer too)

>Whichever path it is that you are using.
>What tokens do you have?

I have a token for cowboy in the cell

>>however when I add this drive mapping :
>>/afs/   then it looks like I can do >>
>You have added this drive mapping how?

in the afs client, "drive letters tab" then "add" and use it in the "afs path

>    DIR \\AFS\

C:\>DIR \\AFS\
The system cannot find the file specified.

>>Another thing I noticed, even when I don't have any tokens, I still can access
>>the volume that I was connected to before.
>access to a volume is only denied if the acls on the volume disallow it.

right, but I need to log in and have a token to have access to it...correct ?

thanks for your help, I really appreciate it.


     Thomas Edison gets an idea, and his brother Timmy says,
     "Hey, what's that thing over your head?
 Ron Croonenberg               | Phone: 1 765 658 4761
 Technology Coordinator        | Fax:   1 765 658 4732
 Department of ComputerScience | e-mail :
 DePauw University             |
 Julian Science & Math Center  |
 602 South College Ave.        |
 Greencastle, IN  46135        |