Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH allbery@ece.cmu.edu
Sun, 25 Jul 2004 22:36:01 -0400

On Sun, 2004-07-25 at 22:32, Ian Delahorne wrote:
> On Mon, 2004-07-26 at 04:23, mm450exc@netscape.net wrote:
> > when I set the ACL on /afs I get "you don't have required accessright on '/afs'. what am I missing here?
> That you don't have the right privileges. "fs la /afs" should tell you
> what group you need to belong to or user you need to be to change the
> ACL on /afs.

Alternately, that you're trying to change the ACL in root.afs.readonly
which won't work.  You need a read-write mountpoint somewhere in that

brandon s. allbery    [linux,solaris,freebsd,perl]     allbery@kf8nh.com
system administrator      [WAY too many hats]        allbery@ece.cmu.edu
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon univ.         KF8NH