[OpenAFS] Retiring a partition

Tom Fitzgerald tfitz@MIT.EDU
Thu, 18 Mar 2004 21:31:56 -0500

I'm attempting to retire a vice partition, but after moving
all volumes off it, it still contains two .vol files whose
names correspond to existing volumes that used to be in
that partition but are now elsewhere, and another hundred
or so mystery files under the AFSIDat directory.

vos listvldb confirms that no volumes of any kind are
located there, and bos salvage has no effect on the

Is there any way to determine what these files are still
being used for, if anything, and if not, why they got left
there?  None of the "vos move"s or "vos remsite"s
reported any errors.

Or is it safe to just wipe the partition and forget about it?

This is on linux, so namei filesystem.