[OpenAFS] New OpenAFS Windows test build - please test

Jeffrey Altman jaltman@columbia.edu
Sat, 20 Mar 2004 14:35:48 -0500

Jeffrey Altman wrote:

> if you were experiencing problems with the 1.3.60 release, please
> test the 20040319 build located at
>  http://web.mit.edu/~jaltman/Public/OpenAFS/
>  /afs/athena.mit.edu/user/j/a/jaltman/Public/OpenAFS/
I have once again refreshed the installers now dated 20040320.
These builds address the following problems with the 1.3.60 release:

    * runaway thread in afscreds.exe results in slow performance
    * ShowTrayIcon setting in afsconfig.exe does not work
    * Stopping the AFS Client Service results in afsd_service.exe crashing
    * "fs setserverprefs" when called multiple times results in the AFS
      Client Service becoming unresponsive.
    * The installer now makes the choice of whether or not to use DNS
      for Cell Lookups optional.

Once again please test.