[OpenAFS] 'no space left on device' while importing

Ted Anderson TedAnderson@mindspring.com
Mon, 29 Mar 2004 10:12:30 -0500

On 3/29/2004 09:45, Matthew Turk wrote:
> Whenever I try to scp files over directly to the server with the afs
> volume, and into the mountpoint for that volume, it copies for a few
> (coincidentally -- or not? -- up to the size of the cache) and then throws
> "no space left on device" for the current file, and the rest fail because
> of "input/output error."  If I just place those files in the mountpoint on
> my afs file system, it copies up to the size of hte two caches combined
> and throws the same set of errors.

My guess is that your AFS client's cache is filling up the disk on which 
it is located.  Ideally, you should put the cache in its own partition, 
but in any case you need to make sure the size specified in the 
cacheinfo file (/usr/vice/etc) is small enough that it can be held in 
the disk on which /usr/vice/cache exists.  Try these two commands:

% cat /usr/vice/etc/cacheinfo
% df -k /usr/vice/cache
Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hdc3             18492060   3473932  14078776  20% /

The size in cacheinfo is in KB, so in my example I need 100MB free in /. 
  What are your numbers?

Ted Anderson