[OpenAFS] OpenAFS 1.3.63 on Windows XP

Chris Crowther chris@jm-crowther.co.uk
Sat, 08 May 2004 15:19:47 +0100

Jeffrey Altman wrote:

> The Global Mapping page is known to be broken in the AFS Client 
> Configuration tool. 
> This is fixed in the daily builds. 
>     //afs/athena.mit.edu/user/j/a/jaltman/Public/OpenAFS/

	Well that fixed that problem :)

> So you changed the name of the machine?  And now you have drive maps 
> programmed into the Explorer which are going to the old machine name 
> instead of the new one.  That is my best guess.

	Nope.  But I have found out when it breaks; it's when I use KfW 2.6.1 
to grab AFS Tokens using my KerberosV tickets (I'm using Kerberos 
integrated logins on Windows XP).

	Now I just have to figure out why it's breaking.

Chris Crowther