[OpenAFS] Problem setting up AFS server (isolated network) -

M Singh msingh@myrealbox.com
Wed, 26 May 2004 23:19:15 -0400


    Thanks for the response.

Derrick J Brashear wrote:

>On Wed, 26 May 2004, M Singh wrote:
>>No, its the same as before.
>>Many "quorum" type messages, and then "network not responding".
>udebug sggs.homenetwork.edu 7004
>rxdebug sggs.homenetwork.edu 7004 -version
>OpenAFS-info mailing list

I assume you want the o/p after afs service is started (it seems to do 
nothing more than load the module right now - I guess that is because 
nothing is set up) and bosserver -noauth :

 3871 ?        00:00:00 bosserver
 3872 ?        00:00:00 kaserver
 3873 ?        00:00:00 buserver
 3874 ?        00:00:00 ptserver
 3875 ?        00:00:00 vlserver

[root@sggs bin]# udebug sggs.homenetwork.edu 7004
Host's addresses are:
Host's time is Wed May 26 23:10:03 2004
Local time is Wed May 26 23:10:04 2004 (time differential 1 secs)
Last yes vote not cast yet
Local db version is 1.1
I am sync site forever (0 server)
Recovery state 0
Sync site's db version is 0.0
0 locked pages, 0 of them for write
[root@sggs bin]# /usr/local/sbin/rxdebug sggs.homenetwork.edu 7004 -version
Trying (port 7004):
AFS version:  OpenAFS 1.2.11 built  2004-05-25
[root@sggs bin]# kas -cell HOMENETWORK.EDU -noauth
ka> create afs
Verifying, please re-enter initial_password:
Creating user afs  : [u] no quorum elected, wait one second
Creating user afs  : [u] no quorum elected, wait one second
... corresponds to the unused eth0 (wired network) interface.