[OpenAFS] Bosserver and binaries problems

Enric Font killu_projecte@yahoo.com
Tue, 2 Nov 2004 11:16:15 +0100 (CET)


first of all, I'll explain how I installed my openAFS
system, because could be a bad installation method.

I'm using debian unstable/testing, I installed the
module source (using apt-get), compiled it, and
inserted into kernel. Now the module is loaded.
Then I got the rest of the packages using apt-get
(apt-get install openafs-dbserver) and had been
installed openafs-client openafs-fileserver also.

Then I configured OpenAFS client, I corrected some
errors like directory persmissions, but bosserver
-noauth continue failing. Well it didn't fails, didn't
give any errors, but the command bosserver -noauth,
have the same behavior than bosserver -noauth&. It
leave the terminal free but continue running.

root       761  0.0  4.7  4240 3132 ?        S   
11:39   0:00 bosserver -noauth

Then the next instruction don't success at all...
bos setcellname -server machname.enllac.com -name
enllac.com –noauth (doesn't give any errors...)
and bos listhosts nom_màq.enllac.com  -noauth anly
says me that the cell name is enllac.com

(I didn't have internal DNS in my net. Is necessary?)

And another troubling thing, I can't find the binaries
of kaserver, buserver, ptserver and vlserver. It
doesn't exist, ara not installed in the machine.


Enric Font, Barcelona, Spain

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