[OpenAFS] Bosserver and binaries problems

Enric Font killu_projecte@yahoo.com
Tue, 2 Nov 2004 18:00:32 +0100 (CET)

 --- Sergio Gelato <Sergio.Gelato@astro.su.se>
> * Enric Font [2004-11-02 11:16:15 +0100]:
> > I'm using debian unstable/testing, I installed the
> > module source (using apt-get), compiled it, and
> > inserted into kernel. Now the module is loaded.
> > Then I got the rest of the packages using apt-get
> > (apt-get install openafs-dbserver) and had been
> > installed openafs-client openafs-fileserver also.
> OK. I'm still running Debian stable, but there
> shouldn't be much of a
> difference as far as OpenAFS is concerned.
> > Then I configured OpenAFS client, I corrected some
> > errors like directory persmissions, but bosserver
> > -noauth continue failing. 
> It's a bit strange that you mention bosserver in the
> same sentence as
> configuring the *client* (clients don't run
> bosserver).

Yes, is very annoying, because when I install the
server, debian installs the client, and then, the
first thing Deb-Conf wants, is configuring the
client... but I thing it isn't important...

> What's wrong with the afs-newcell script that's
> provided in the
> Debian package? Note how it starts bosserver:
> through
> /etc/init.d/openafs-fileserver start .
> The script uses -localauth, which is fine (better
> than -noauth)
> if you've already set up your keyfile.

This instructions are taken from

> >                           Well it didn't fails,
> didn't
> > give any errors, but the command bosserver
> -noauth,
> > have the same behavior than bosserver -noauth&. It
> > leave the terminal free but continue running.
> Of course. Haven't you ever seen a daemon?

sorry... I read in the instructions that I'd to use &
and I think that it was wrong.
> > Then the next instruction don't success at all...
> > bos setcellname -server machname.enllac.com -name
> > enllac.com –noauth (doesn't give any errors...)
> Where did you find those instructions?
> > and bos listhosts machname.enllac.com  -noauth
> > says me that the cell name is enllac.com
> > 
> > (I didn't have internal DNS in my net. Is
> necessary?)
> For setting up the servers, it's enough to have the
> information in
> /etc/hosts. But it doesn't hurt to get the DNS
> correctly set up first.

What do you thing that I have to have in /etc/hosts?
Now I have the name of the machine like:       localhost       namemach      

> > And another troubling thing, I can't find the
> binaries
> > of kaserver, buserver, ptserver and vlserver. It
> > doesn't exist, ara not installed in the machine.
> dpkg -L openafs-fileserver
> dpkg -L openafs-dbserver
> ... look in /usr/lib/openafs . 
> And in /usr/share/doc/openafs-dbserver/README.Debian
> .
> You're more or less expected to use Kerberos 5
> nowadays, maybe with a
> ka forwarder. The KDC in heimdal-kdc can act as a
> kaserver, by the way.

I only need AFS to share files in a server cluster...
is needed to user Kerberos or something like this? The
theory says that the cluster has to be secure, then a
simple autentication could be enough..

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