[OpenAFS] Move a IP from CellServer?
Lars Schimmer
Fri, 12 Nov 2004 15:42:21 +0100
Hash: SHA1
First: Thx for your patience. I'm kinda dumb fool now, I found my error. Hit me ;-)
Horst Birthelmer schrieb:
| So go to any other location (your home for example) and do fs mkmount
| ... -rw make your changes and release the volume.
| That's the design. The admin makes changes, releases the volume and
| every machine sees the changed data.
My dumb foolish error. Mount it into the .cell tree and release it. The salvage
is SO simple once you know it. *nail it in my brain: LEARN*
|> Oh, where is the information of mounted RW volumes stored? In the
|> database
|> servers? If yes, how can i change the mount RO to RW (e.g. changing
|> from RO copy
|> to RW volume)?
| On the fileserver. Your mountoint is just a special entry in the parent
| directory.
| So your root.cell is almost every time a mountpoint in the root.afs ...
| and so on.
| Your volume location is in the VLDB. Do a "vos listvldb" and you'll see
| that data.
Oh, good. Thx, learned something more.
|> But my point was: We use OpenAFS for home dirs. On home dirs RO is pretty
|> useless, EVERY login wants to write on the homedir and a lot of
|> programs writes
|> data to the homedir. So a RO wouldn't work with RO. As my
|> understanding RO
|> copies in AFS are for loadbalancing between the servers (shortest
|> "way" from
|> server to user). But with the NEED to be RW, there could be only one
|> volume for
|> users-homdir-volume. And so there is no loadbalacing more. At least
|> this breaks
|> with the original use for RO copies, and makes the RO interesting for
|> backup (1
|> day or what the release cycle is).
| Yes, but what's the breach in here ???
Breach is: for homedirs are RO pretty useless in kind of loadbalacing, or?
Because the users has to use the RW volume, the RO copies are senseless. In my
eyes this is a breach in kind of loadbalacing the traffic for this volume (there
are not x home volumes, only one).
| hey ... this is a free file system. When you're done implementing that,
| I'll talk about inconsistencies on your clients ... :-))
I know, HEAVY load. So I don't ask anyone to implent this.
| You have different data for reading and writing. Oh my, that's fun,
| isn't it??
As long as it is done right, it's OK. Ok, again, I don't ask anyone doing this,
because it would break with the intention of AFS (to much load).
| The concept here is pretty simple. You need to write, you mount the RW
| volume.
Ok, accepted. Let's redesign our cell, or better: let the users learn to work in
another way working with the data :-)
| Hope I was of any help ;-) I didn't mean to be rude but the concept of
| distribution in AFS is well thought out no matter if it is of any
| particular use to you.
Yeah, you was helpful, thanks. No, not rude, I was kinda stupid one. And yes,
AFS is old and useable and nearly clear good concept. But in our cell with much
RWs its a bit, hmm, used in a wrong way.
So, tasks for me: teach users, test breakdown of databse backup/main server,...
Hey, it's weekend, have a nice time!
| Horst
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Technische Universität Braunschweig, Institut für Computergraphik
Tel.: +49 531 391-2109 E-Mail: schimmer@cg.cs.tu-bs.de
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