[OpenAFS] aklog: build failure?

ted creedon tcreedon@easystreet.com
Wed, 21 Dec 2005 13:51:03 -0800

 ./configure --with-krb5-config=/usr/lib/mit/bin/krb5-config 
--with-afs=/usr/local --with-krb5-src=/data1/krb5-1.4.1
 and a manual -lcrypto works for Ken' s kit on a SuSE system


Derek Atkins wrote:
> Quoting Ken Hornstein <kenh@cmf.nrl.navy.mil>:
>>> doh.. I assumed  configure would look for krb out of box.. calling --
>>> with-krb5-conf fixed things right up.
>> So, you didn't give it any Kerberos options _at all_ to configure?  I 
>> ask
>> because in that case, make is not supposed to try to build aklog, and if
>> it did, then that's a bug in the Makefile.
> It doesn't try to build aklog when you supply nothing to configure.
> However if you --enable-krb5 it doesn't /look/ for krb5-config anywhere,
> which can be confusing unless you know to expect that.  When /i/ first
> started playing with it I assumed that when I used --enable-krb5 it would
> perform an AM_PATH_PROG(KRB5_CONFIG, krb5-config) and search in my path..
> And then use what it found.
>> --Ken
> -derek