[OpenAFS] \\afs\long_cellname Trucated to Netbios Name

Jason C. Wells jcw@highperformance.net
Thu, 03 Feb 2005 07:18:01 -0800

--On Wednesday, February 02, 2005 11:36 PM -0500 Derrick J Brashear 
<shadow@dementia.org> wrote:
> https://lists.openafs.org/pipermail/openafs-info/2004-September/014724.ht
> ml
> Quoting the relevant bit:
> "You are browsing the "AFS" SMB/CIFS server.  The OpenAFS SMB/CIFS does
>   not support UNICODE.  Without UNICODE support, SMB/CIFS share names are
>   limited to 13 characters.  Hence, all cell names which are longer then
>   13 characters in length will be truncated as reported by a browse
>   operation.
>   If you wish to browse with full length names, browse  "\\AFS\all" or
>   simply type in the full name "\\AFS\cellname"."

That explains what I observe.  Thank you.  I cannot browse 
\\afs\stradamotorsports.com.  I get this error:

	"Windows cannot find '\\afs\stradamotorsports.com'.  Check the spelling 
and try again.

Strangely enough, 'NET USE' reports:

  C:\Documents and Settings\jcw>net use
  New connections will be remembered.

  Status       Local     Remote                    Network

  OK                     \\afs\all                 Microsoft Windows Network
  OK                     \\afs\stradamotorsports.com
                                                   Microsoft Windows Network
  OK                     \\afs\IPC$                Microsoft Windows Network
  The command completed successfully.

  C:\Documents and Settings\jcw>

This shows the long name.

\\afs\all works as expected.

Jason C. Wells