[OpenAFS] crash on AIX 5.2

Michael Niksch nik@zurich.ibm.com
Tue, 11 Jan 2005 16:22:45 +0100

 > I have compiled 1.3.77 under AIX 5.1 and see the same problem. In my
 > case the machine crashes after getting a token. It seems to work
 > before.

I am seeing that same problem with 1.3.77 on all AIX 4.3.3, AIX 5.1, and 
AIX 5.2, both 32 and 64 bit kernel. In contrast to previous versions of 
1.3, I can at least load the kernel extensions now. Obtaining a token 
with 1.3.77 'klog' from a kaserver causes a core dump, and trying to use 
a token obtained with 1.2.10 'klog' results in a system crash.

Yes, I understand that 'klog' and 'kaserver' are considered more or less 
deprecated, and we are in fact planning to change to a Kerberos 5 setup, 
but this migration will take us quite some time to complete. Also, we 
will need continued interoperability with legacy IBM Transarc AFS cells 
for quite some time to come. So it would be great if 'kaserver' support 
wasn't silently dropped out of OpenAFS already at this point.

So far, I haven't been able to compile ANY version of OpenAFS client to 
work on AIX 5. The server code might be less problematic as it doesn't 
involve kernel extensions, but I am also still running 1.2.11 server 
binaries compiled on AIX 4.3.3 on my AIX 5.2 servers.

Michael Niksch                     /Zurich/IBM @ IBMCH
IBM Zurich Research Laboratory     nik@zurich.ibm.com
Saeumerstrasse 4                   http://www.zurich.ibm.com/~nik/
CH-8803 Rueschlikon / Switzerland  P: +41-1-724-8913 F: +41-1-724-8080